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Synergizing Power Sector Activities through the Power Sector Communications Team

Credo Advisory facilitated the monthly Power Sector Communications Team (PSCT) meeting hosted by the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) on March 13th, 2019. The meeting objective was to align on power sector agency activities, identify and discuss communications initiatives and share ideas on how the PSCT could amplify achievements in the power sector.

In line with Credo’s role as PSCT administrator, Credo Advisory CEO, Awele Okigbo and Communications Assistant, Doyinsola Owolabi provided communications advisory.  They emphasized the need for greater synergy among power sector agencies to promote milestone achievements leveraging digital platforms. The Credo team identified a number of initiatives that would provide information to the media as well as strengthen media relations. The team further resolved to collate a list of recommended resource persons (photographers, graphic designers, videographers, etc.) to be shared within the group for ease of executing activities in addition to share agency communications channels and products for public awareness on power sector achievements.

Participants at the meeting included communications professionals from the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (FMPWH), Nigeria Electricity Management Services Agency (NEMSA), Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Nigeria Electricity Liability Management Company (NELMCO), Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Niger Delta Power Holding Company Limited (NDPHC) and the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC).

Credo Advisory provides technical assistance to the PSCT which is currently under the administration of the Senior Special Adviser (Media & Communications) to the Minister of Power, Works and Housing.

Click here to view photos from the meeting.


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