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Fostering Information Sharing and Social Media Engagement with the Power Sector Communications Team

Credo Advisory facilitated the monthly Power Sector Communications Team (PSCT) meeting held at the Transmission Company of Nigeria on July 10, 2019. The PSCT is the communications vehicle of the Federal Ministry of Power comprising representatives of the communications department of all power sector agencies.

The objectives of the meeting were to encourage news and information sharing among power sector agencies; highlight the importance of social media engagement and website content management by agencies; and share progress updates on communication initiatives from participating agencies.

In performing its role as facilitator, Credo Advisory advised member agencies on reviewing website content regularly as well as leveraging online media monitoring tools for their respective organizations.

Meeting host and Managing Director of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, Mr. Usman Gur Mohammed, urged the PSCT to ensure that communication strategies developed by the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the power sector focused on changing behavior and public perception while using the right information channels.

Meeting participants included the Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria (REA), Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (FMPWH), Nigeria Electricity Management Services Agency (NEMSA) and Nigeria Electricity Management Company (NELMCO).


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