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Power Sector Recovery Programme (PSRP) – Civil Society Engagement Workshop

Credo Advisory provided technical assistance to the PSRP Implementation Monitoring Team (PSRP IMT) with various communications deliverables and stakeholder engagement activities for the PSRP – Civil Society Organization (CSO) Engagement Workshop. They included the development of communications products to foster knowledge building and coordination on the PSRP.

The PSRP Civil Society Engagement Workshop was organized by the Power Sector Communications Team (PSCT) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Power, Works & Housing. The workshop formally introduced the PSRP to CSOs to ensure their buy-in and message alignment to the Programme. The workshop also provided a forum for dialogue and robust interaction on the recovery Programmes objectives. It was held on January 31st, 2018 at the Power House (Ministers Conference Room).

Present at the event where heads of Civil Society Organizations, power sector Ministries, Departments and Agencies, development partners and key stakeholders in Nigeria’s Electricity Supply Industry.

Speaking at the workshopthe Minister of Power, Works & Housing, Babatunde Fashola, SAN, stated that the Power Sector Recovery Programme (PSRP) was initiated by the federal government in conjunction with the World Bank to revive Nigeria’s power sector. He explained that progress is being made as the existing statistics in the power sector indicated that the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) is able to transmit the Generation Companies (GenCos) capacity which is currently up to 7,000 MW, but the Distribution Companies (DisCos) can take just about 5,000 MW, leaving a balance of 2,000 MW that industries in the country can take up but are yet to.

Awele Okigbo, Chief Executive of Credo Advisory, is the lead communications consultant for the Power Sector Recovery Programme (PSRP) which reports directly to His Excellency, the Vice President of Nigeria. The PSRP is a Programme initiated by the Federal Government of Nigeria and supported by the World Bank.

Follow this link to view photos from the event:

PSRP – Civil Society Engagement Workshop


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