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Presentation of the Power Sector Recovery Programme Campaign Creatives

Credo Advisory facilitated the presentation of creatives for the Power Sector Recovery Programme (PSRP) public awareness scheduled to launch soon. The presentation was hosted by the Rural Electrification Agency, REA on April 13th, 2018.

The meeting brought together key PSRP executives including; Managing Director, Rural Electrification Agency and PSRP Coordinator, Damilola Ogunbiyi; PSRP Implementation Monitoring Team Lead, Kenny Anuwe and World Bank Energy Team Lead, Kyran O’Sullivan to assess the campaign materials and validate the messaging relevance for public consumption.

Credo executive, Awele Okigbo, provided contextual information on how the campaign messaging was derived from survey results and analysis from a nationwide survey conducted in 2017 to capture ground truths from electricity consumers in 6 cities.

Noah’s Ark, the PSRP public relations firm, presented the creatives featuring television storyboards, radio jingles and print materials to be deployed nationwide. Based on favourable feedback and endorsement from participants, the creatives are now in the final development stages.

The Power Sector Recovery Programme was developed by the Federal Government of Nigeria, in collaboration with the World Bank, to reset the powers sector for future growth. The objective of the PSRP nationwide sensitization campaign is to build public trust, ensure message discipline, shape the national dialogue about the power sector, and raise awareness on power sector issues.

Click PSRP Campaign Review Meeting to view photos


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